Regulatory and professional bodies:
British Video Association - A home video entertainment that was established in 1980.
Film Distributors Association, - The film distributors association decide where you can explore the essential life of a film after the film production has finished.
Video Standards Council (VSC) - The VSC was set up to develop and oversea a code of practice (written rule)that was designed to promote high standards within the video industry.
Trading Standards institute - They have an important role in engaging with and making representations to government institutes.
Press Complaints Commission (PCC), this is a volountary regulatory body for british printed newspapers and magazines, that consist of representives from the major publishers.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), The independant regulator of advertising across all media, including marketting on websites. They work to ensure that ads are legal, decent, honest and truthful they do this by applying the advertising codes.
The Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF) - It shapes the industry, connects through leaders and provides competitive advantage to their members, this helps them to build a rusted and secure mobile content and commerce future.
The Independent Games Developers Association (IGDA), - The national trade association repressenting the buisness and commercial interests of video and computer game developers in the Uk and Europe.
British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) - A UK charity that hosts annual award shows for excellence in film, television, television craft, video games and other forms of animation, gives the chance for people to be awarded for their hard work.
The International Visual Communication Association (IVCA) - A non profit academic association founded in 1950, whose members are interested in the study, teaching and application of all aspects of human communication.
Worldwide Web Consortium (W3C) - The main international standards organisation for the world wide web.
British Web Design and Marketing Association - It is a not for profit organisation and is designed purley to encourage and promote industry standards within the web design sector.
British Interactive Multimedia Association (BIMA) - an industry body representing the digital industry in the United Kingdom, it was formed in 1985.
Regulatory issues:
ownership - A state or fact of exclusive rights and control over property, which may be an object, land/real estate or intellectual property.
monoply: where one company tries to own everything and have control over everything, in my opinion this is not a good thing for one company to own everything as they are then only telling people what they believe and as they wont hear any different they wil believe what one company tells them and i dont believe that is fair, there for i don't think that one company should be able to own everything because then people will have to believe what they say even though it may not be the truth, but they will have no other choice but to believe what they say is true as they wont be hearing any different.
consumer choice - gives the buyers the chance to choose their personal preference for consumption goods as people shouldnt be expected to pay for things that they dont want, so the government have to give people the choice and have a wide variety of choice.
freedom of information - refers to the protection of the right to freedom of expression with regards to the information technology and the internet, people have the right to know things, to know whats happening.
censorship - making sure nothing inapropriate is shown, therefor it should all be censored making sure that nothing that could be considered harmful to people or the government are shown, however in my opinion i believer that now censorship is taken too seriously as almost everything is censored which puts limitations on things which stops people being able to veiw certain things, which i do not find fair as other people are able to see certain things that others arent and i believe if one person can see it then everyone else should also be able to.
taste and decency - Only certain things should be said/shown publicly through the media in order to keep taste and decency in the media. An example of reaching the taste and decency laws is when Russell Brand and Jonathon Ross publicly slated a girl on the radio, they did this by ringing up this girls grandfather and giving him their opinion of her, whilst on air. As bad things were said on the voicemail, Russell and Jonathon was accused of breaching laws however i do not think they were entirley in the wrong as everyone has the freedom of speech so i think they was right to talk about their opinion on somebody, however i dont beleive they should have rang her grandfather, however if they wanted to discuss it publicly then they should be allowed, in my opinion.